Publishing Epic Stories with Purpose
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Professional publishing with a purpose. Our platform is unique in that our stories are not only epic in nature, but clean as well. Readers, parents, and educators are looking for exciting books with content they can trust. In addition, with many of the stories we publish we offer creative workbooks for the enhancement of literacy and comprehension. This helps us promote great reads to a wider audience, including conferences, homeschools, and other educational circles. Before you submit your manuscript, keep in mind that each author is encouraged to submit works that pursue positive character development with biblical values. If our goals of promoting epic stories with purpose interests you, we’d love to talk more!
Suggestions for authors.
- Build your readership: Much of marketing falls on the responsibility of the author to promote their own work. If you are able to gain a significant audience early on in your writing career you have a far greater chance of attracting a publisher’s attention. Create email lists, social media followers, and even YouTube or TikTok content.
- Bring your best work: We want to see action, dialogue, scene transitions, and most of all, character development in your writing. We love characters that find redemption through tragedy or discover a higher purpose through difficult circumstances. Find ways to keep readers on the edge of their seat and elicit emotional responses from them.
- Keep writing: Just because you don’t receive interest for a book you want published doesn’t mean you should quit. Keep writing. Often it is an author’s later work that gets noticed. We don’t mind if you send us more than one submission!
- Don’t get discouraged: Be patient if you don’t hear from us. We are very busy, but will do our best to read your submission as soon as possible. It may take several weeks (or months) to fully review your work, but that is because we take every submission seriously and with an open mind.
Looking to self-publish?
We have several complete self-publishing curation options and services to help confident authors with publishing experience bring their stories to market. We can help you design eye-catching book covers, copy-edit your manuscript affordably, and format your book for any platform without spending a fortune.
Self-publishing curation is handing over the publishing of your book without handing over the rights or royalties. By using our epic publishing services, you can guarantee that your book is published professionally and accurately to industry standards without falling prey to unnecessary costs or mistakes. Only need a few services? We can build a self-publishing curation project based on your needs.
Learn more about our self-publishing options.
Looking to submit a manuscript for traditional publishing? Click on "Submissions" above to get started.

What we are looking for:
- Fiction/Fantasy stories (or series). We accept manuscripts geared for all ages.
- Content suitable for a wide audience, containing appropriate themes and message.
- Nearly complete or completed and edited manuscript, unpublished and ready to submit.
- All of our authors are professed Christians and their lives reflect a Biblical standard.
We are here for you!
We love authors! Do you have a question about publishing, need advice, or just want to see what we are about? Get in touch! We would love to help you navigate your publishing journey, whether you publishing with us or not. Reach out through our contact page below.
Submission guidelines.
Descendant Publishing, LLC prints and publishes materials that are in line with our core values as a company, and will not accept submissions that are outside of that realm. To view our core values, click here.
To keep in line with our vision, we are primarily looking for fiction/fantasy books that are epic in nature, however will consider other genres on a case-by-case basis. Our readership will be of all ages.
Upon submission, you may be asked to provide a full copy of your manuscript for further review. Submission of this form or your manuscript does not guarantee publishing or a contract of any sort. We value your privacy, and any information you provide or intellectual property given will not be used for any other purposes.